Laboratory of Excellence
Design of Alloy Metals for low-mass Structures

Labex DAMAS brings together scientists from IJL and LEM3 specialized in the field of metallurgy. It was approved in 2012 within the framework of the "Investment in the Future" action of the French government to develop excellence in fundamental research in metallurgy in Lorraine.

After Labex

About us


Laboratory of study of microstructures, mechanics and material sciences

LEM3 is a research laboratory specializing in the mechanics of materials and processes. It is a Joint research unit attached to the University of Lorraine, CNRS UMR 7239 and Arts et Métiers. Its experimental and theoretical activities are transdisciplinary, combining solid mechanics, metallurgy, materials science, chemistry and physics. LEM3 employs around 250 people, including more than 80 doctoral and post-doctoral students, mainly based in Metz - France.


Institut Jean Lamour

The Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) is a fundamental and applied research laboratory specialized in materials science and engineering. It regroups around 550 people within a public joint research unit of the CNRS and the Université de Lorraine. Its research activities cover : materials, metallurgy, plasmas, surfaces, nanomaterials and electronics. Its main site is located in Nancy France.

Key figures


More than 830 research papers in web of science


More than 80 PhD funded


27 revue articles


10 highly cited papers in web of science


Ranked 43 in Metallurgical Engineering (Shanghai Ranking in 2020).


2 start-ups created in framework of DAMAS


Organisation of international conferences and workshops


Worldwide collaborations with more than 120 laboratories

Our 2024 conference

Labex DAMAS is organising an international workshop on “Innovative and Sustainable Metallurgy” from 16th to 18th October 2024.

Scientific achievements

Gathering scientists from IJL and LEM3, LabEx DAMAS aims at developing excellence in fundamental research and increasing international attractiveness of Lorraine in materials science.

With about 80 PhD funded, the scientist involved in LabEx DAMAS have developed international collaborations with more than 120 laboratories worldwide and published more than 830 papers in scientific journals.

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